Access to Care
Serving Kids Hope supports programs that provide access to care for under insured children and families affected by ACES(Adverse Childhood Experiences Study), childhood obesity, underweight, and diabetes prevention.
Care can be provided in numerous environments such, as in group-based settings or through one-on-one care with a compassionate team of physicians, registered dietitians, fitness trainers, and case managers
Virtual Programs
Dr. Patricia and her feathery friends in the Fit Kid Squad ™use the letters of the alphabet to promote literacy and valuable education on health, nutrition, safety, fitness, sleep, social-emotional development, and strengthening support systems.
The curriculum is consistent with California State Standards for Kindergarten and inclusive for all children regardless of race, economics, culture, language, or abilities. DrPHC is thoughtfully designed to promote health in support of all children, especially those growing up with obesity and/or Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
To access visit drphc.org
School-Based Programming

Our programming aims to create a healthier community by supporting a healthy school culture.With the awareness of the impact of ACEs on children of racial minorities, special needs, or living in poverty, our focal point is to help schools create and provide opportunities to mitigate toxic stress from ACEs.
Medical Provider Education & Training

Extend education to school faculty and staff (including nurses), medical/behavioral providers, and parents on the impact of obesity and ACEs. We teach practical guidance on fostering a healthy relationship with food, curbing screen time, as well as promoting sleep, mindfulness, and physical activity.
Community Awareness

We educate on health, nutrition, fitness, sleep, screen time, and strengthening support systems (in families as well as trusted adults). We provide programs for faculty, parents, and children to raise awareness, provide treatment and education on healthy lifestyles.
*All programs currently ONLY available via Zoom contact rolivera@servingkidshope for more information